naturopathic care


Well person care

We offer annual exams, pap smears, blood work and screening tests for all members of your family – including babies and children.

Pediatric Care


We provide treatment options including conventional medicine as well as alternative therapies.  


We can council and prescribe most major forms of birth control.  This includes oral birth control pills, Nuvaring, intrauterine devices, diaphragms, cervical caps and nexplanon. 


Planning to start a family soon?  Trying to conceive and not yet pregnant?  Speak with one of our doctors about ways to enhance fertility and increase the chances of conception.   

frequently asked questions

What should I expect from my first visit with a naturopathic doctor?

You should expect a lengthy dialogue with your doctor – not with a nurse, not with the receptionist, not with a lab technician. Most importantly, you should expect a follow-up visit once your doctor has evaluated your history, your concerns, your current health status and any lab tests the doctor has ordered. Listening to and understanding the individual patient is the fundamental basis of naturopathic medicine. This approach allows for individualized treatment, rather than a cookie-cutter approach to patient care.

How will a naturopathic doctor treat (INSERT CONDITION HERE)?

Naturopathic doctors do not treat conditions, they treat people. For example, a naturopathic doctor is less likely to prescribe a drug to treat gastric reflux than they are to analyze diet choices and eating patterns, suggest digestive bitters to normalize acid production, and/or prescribe demulcent herbs to soothe esophageal irritation. Rather than simply prescribing a pain reliever for chronic headache, a naturopath will work with the patient to determine the root cause of the headaches, whether it is dehydration, low blood sugar, muscular tension, stress, chemical sensitivities or even meningitis.

A naturopathic doctor will be less likely to treat any single, acute condition than they are to make your whole body healthier so that it can fight off infection and build the strength to heal itself. A naturopathic doctor also has more options than medical doctors for chronic conditions such as fatigue, heartburn or insomnia. Finally, naturopathic doctors have longer office visits than medical doctors, typically 30 to 60 minutes each. This allows enough time for you and your naturopathic doctor to work through any questions or concerns together.

What conditions can naturopathic medicine treat?

Because naturopathic medicine treats the person, not the disease, there are very few illnesses or conditions that naturopathic medicine cannot improve. Naturopathic medicine may be a great adjunct to more conventional medicine for ailments that might otherwise be considered outside the naturopathic doctor’s scope.

Certain conditions and ailments, however, have been shown to be particularly receptive to naturopathic care. Some examples of these are gastrointestinal disorders, environmental and food allergies, chronic sinusitis, asthma, skin conditions, obesity, blood sugar disorders, painful or heavy menstrual periods, migraines, fatigue, infertility, mood disorders, PMS, menopause, chronic heartburn and insomnia.

What sort of treatments will a naturopathic doctor prescribe?

Naturopathic doctors may prescribe botanical medication, vitamin and mineral supplements, exercise, and dietary adjustments.  They may also recommend lifestyle changes designed to help strengthen your body’s immune system and health. Much time will be spent on education – about your concens, how to make you feel better, and things you can do to improve your health without conventional medication. However, naturopathic doctors may also prescribe more conventional treatments such as antibiotics, thyroid medication, hormones, birth control medications, antidepressants, or blood pressure medication, depending on your unique situation. Your naturopathic doctor will also carefully integrate your care with any existing prescriptions or treatments your conventional doctor has chosen for you.

Is there a difference between a naturopathic doctor and a homeopath?

Yes. Naturopathic doctors learn many modalities during their training, such as botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, counseling, nutrition and homeopathy. Naturopathic doctors have extensive training in most modalities and tend to specialize in several. Homeopaths learn one modality – homeopathy. They are also not medical practitioners and do not practice medicine. They will not do physical exams, blood tests, or diagnose your medical condition (all things that a naturopathic doctor does) and cannot prescribe medications other than homeopathic remedies.

I already have a Primary Care Physician (PCP). Is there a reason to see a naturopathic doctor as well?

If you want to continue seeing your PCP then you can see your ND for adjunctive care.  Many insurers treat NDs as PCPs so you can switch and use your ND for all your general care. You can also bring in your children for pediatric care with one of our providers, having them seen for their well-child visit and their vaccinations.


Aren’t naturopathic doctors against all conventional prescriptions and medical treatments?

Absolutely not. Ever since the discovery of penicillin, scientific advances in pharmacology have saved countless lives and improved wellness for generations of people. There are some modalities in conventional medicine for which naturopathic medicine provides no substitute. However, there are many levels of intervention that can be used to return a person to health and the most modern method may not be the healthiest method for the patient.

As a general rule, naturopathic doctors favor using the least invasive methods. This might mean rest, hydration, or immune-boosting herbs with antimicrobial properties for a respiratory infection. If that approach fails, then a naturopathic doctor might opt to prescribe antibiotics or refer the patient out to another specialist – the health of the patient is the ultimate concern of any doctor, regardless of whether they are naturopathic or medical.

In fact, naturopathic doctors often work with medical doctors to provide adjunct care, such as natural treatments for the side effects of oncologist-prescribed chemotherapy. The basic philosophy of the naturopathic doctor is that the patient has the ultimate responsibility for their own health and always has the final say about what level of intervention is used for their care.